
Data Loading

Data Augmentation

Since many semi-supervised and unsupervised learning tasks do not require labels, the only key required in our data augmentor is 'image'. Let’s look at an example for using an augmentation pipeline on input images:

from import *
tranforms = [
augmentor = Compose(tranforms,
                    input_size = (8, 256, 256))

sample = {'image': image}
augmented = augmentor(sample)

Then the augmented data can be retrived using the corresponding key. Our augmentor can also apply the same set of transformations to the input images and all other specified targets. For example, under the supervised segmentation setting, an label image/volume contains the segmentation masks and a valid mask indicating the annotated regions are required. We provide the additional_targets option to handle those targets:

from import *
additional_targets = {'label': 'mask',
                      'valid_mask': 'mask'}

tranforms = [
augmentor = Compose(tranforms,
                    input_size = (8, 256, 256),

sample = {'image': image,
          'label': label,
          'valid_mask': valid_mask}
augmented = augmentor(sample)


Each addition target need to be specified with a name (e.g., 'valid_mask') and a target type ('img' or 'mask'). Some augmentations are only applied to 'img', and augmentations for both 'img' and 'mask' will use different interpolation modes for them.


The 'image' key in the examples above is to indicate the name of the sample, which means other keys can be used to retrive corresponding samples in augmentation. However, the 'img' and 'mask' values indicate the type of a sample, therefore only the two values can be recognized by the augmentor.

The 'label' key in 'mask' target type is used by default in the configuration file as most of the tutorial examples belong to the supervised training category. For model training with partially annotated dataset under the supervised setting, we need to add:

  ADDITIONAL_TARGETS_NAME: ['label', 'valid_mask']
  ADDITIONAL_TARGETS_TYPE: ['mask', 'mask']

Each transformation class is associated with an ENABLED key. To turn off a specific transformation (e.g., mis-alignment), set:

    ENABLED: False

Rejection Sampling

Rejection sampling in the dataloader is applied for the following two purposes:

1 - Adding more attention to sparse targets

For some datasets/tasks, the foreground mask is sparse in the volume (e.g., synapse detection). Therefore we perform reject sampling to decrease the ratio of (all completely avoid) regions without foreground pixels. Such a design lets the model pay more attention to the foreground pixels to alleviate false negatives (but may introduce more false positives). There are two corresponding hyper-parameters in the configuration file:

    SIZE_THRES: 1000
    P: 0.95

The SIZE_THRES: 1000 key-value pair means that if a random volume contains more than 1,000 non-background voxels, then the volume is considered as a foreground volume and is returned by the rejection sampling function. If it contains less than 1,000 voxels, the function will reject it with a probability P: 0.95 and sample another volume. SIZE_THRES is set to -1 by default to disable the rejection sampling.

2 - Handling partially annotated data

Some datasets are only partially labeled, and the unlabeled region should not be considered in loss calculation. In that case, the user can specify the data path to the valid mask using the DATASET.VALID_MASK_NAME option. The valid mask volume should be of the same shape as the label volume with non-zero values denoting annotated regions. A sampled volume with a valid ratio less than 0.5 will be rejected by default.


Large-scale volumetric datasets (e.g., MitoEM) are usually stored as individual tiles (i.e., 2D patches). Directly loading them as a single array into the memory for training and inference is infeasible. Therefore we designed the class that reads the paths of the tiles and construct tractable chunks for processing. To use this dataset class, the user needs to prepare a JSON file which contains the information of the dataset. An example for the MitoEM dataset can be found here. Below is a list of (incomplete) configurations exclusive for TileDataset:

  DO_CHUNK_TITLE: 1 # set to 1 to use TileDataset (default is 0)
  DATA_CHUNK_NUM: [2, 4, 4] # split the large volume into chunks
  DATA_CHUNK_ITER: 5000 # (training) number of iterations for a chunk

Suppose the input volume is of size (2000,6400,6400) in (z,y,x) order, setting DATASET.DATA_CHUNK_NUM = [2,4,4] will split the z axis by 2 and x and y axes by 4, so that the process can handle (500,1600,1600) chunks sequentially, which is more manageable. The actual chunk size can be larger due to overlap sampling (only for training) and padding.


When using padding, the coordinate range of a chunk can have negative numbers, e.g., [-4, 104, -64, 864, -64, 864], or numbers that are larger than the whole volume size, which is not an error. Those regions are padded so that the size of sampled chunks stay unchanged.

Below is a Python snippet for creating the JSON file for a new dataset of size (2000,6400,6400), which are stored as 2000 individual PNG images of size (6400,6400).

import json
data_path = "path/to/images"
n_images = 2000

data_dict = {}
data_dict["ndim"] = 1
data_dict["dtype"] = "uint8"
data_dict["image"] = [data_path + "im%04d.png" % idx for idx in range(n_images)]
data_dict["height"] = 6400
data_dict["width"] = 6400
data_dict["depth"] = n_images
data_dict["tile_ratio"] = 1
data_dict["n_columns"] = 1
data_dict["n_rows"] = 1
data_dict["tile_st"] = [0,0]
data_dict["tile_size"] = 6400

js_path = 'tile_dataset.json'
with open(js_path, 'w') as fp:
    json.dump(data_dict, fp)

Please note that the paths to all images are given as a list to data_dict["dtype"]. For even larger datasets where each slice is saved as multiple non-overlapping patches, data_dict["dtype"] is assumed to have the following format:

    "image": [
    "n_columns": 4,
    "n_rows": 4,

Each slice uses a folder named by the z index. The name {row}_{column}.png in the JSON file is just a placeholder, and there is no need to give an exact input number. For the case above, each 2D slice is saved as 4x4 patches, so the real images files in each path/to/images/xxxx/ directory should be 0_0.png, 1_0.png until 3_3.png.

Handling 2D Data

We design two ways to run inference for a trained 2D model. The first way is to directly load a 3D volume, but the inference pipeline will predict each slice one-by-one and stack them back to a 3D volume. For representations depend on the dimension of the inputs (e.g., affinity map has three channels for 3D masks but only two channels for 2D masks), the number of output channels is consistent with the 2D model. The second way is to directly load 2D PNG or TIFF images. Below are the configurations for streaming 2D inputs at inference time:

  DO_2D: True # use 2d models
  LOAD_2D: True # load 2d images
  IMAGE_NAME: datasets/test_path.txt

Please note that the test_path.txt should be a list of absolute paths like the example below to avoid ambiguity:


Additionally, INFERENCE.DO_SINGLY = True will let the pipeline process and save each input image separately, to avoid loading all files into memory at the same time. The useful Linux command to get the absolute paths of all PNG images in a folder is:

ls -d $(pwd -P)/*.png > path.txt