
Source code for

from typing import Optional

from .augmentor import DataAugment
import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as tf
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import generate_binary_structure

[docs]class CopyPasteAugmentor(DataAugment): r"""Copy-paste augmentor (experimental). The input can be a `numpy.ndarray` or `torch.Tensor` of shape :math:`(C, Z, Y, X)` or :math:`(Z, Y, X)`. Args: aug_thres: Maximum fractional size of the object occupying the volume. If the object is too large it is not augmented. Default: 0.7 """ def __init__(self, aug_thres: float = 0.7, p: float = 0.8, additional_targets: Optional[dict] = {'label': 'mask'}, skip_targets: list = []): assert additional_targets is not None and 'label' in additional_targets.keys(), \ "Copy paste augmentation needs segmentation labels to work" super().__init__(p, additional_targets, skip_targets) self.aug_thres = aug_thres self.dil_struct = generate_binary_structure(3,3)
[docs] def set_params(self): '''Doesn't change sample size''' pass
def __call__(self, sample, random_state=np.random.RandomState()): assert 'label' in sample.keys(), "Labels not found in sample" volume, label = sample['image'], sample['label'] if not isinstance(volume, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("Type {} is not supported in CopyPasteAugmentor".format(type(volume))) is_np = isinstance(volume, np.ndarray) label = torch.from_numpy(label.copy()).bool() if isinstance(label, np.ndarray) else label.bool() if is_np: volume = torch.from_numpy(volume.copy()) assert label.ndim == 3 and (volume.ndim == 4 or volume.ndim == 3), "CopyPaste doesn't work on batched data" label_flipped = label[torch.arange(label.shape[0]-1,-1,-1)] #flip on z-axis if label.float().mean() <= self.aug_thres: neuron_tensor = volume * label neuron_tensor, label = self.copy_paste_single(torch.stack([label, label_flipped]), neuron_tensor) volume = volume * (~label) + neuron_tensor * label return np.array(volume) if is_np else volume def rotate(self, tensor, angle): c,z,y,x = tensor.shape rotated = tf.rotate(tensor.reshape(1,c*z,y,x), angle) return rotated.reshape(c,z,y,x) def crop_overlap(self, rot_label, gt, border=5): y_any = gt.any(dim=2).any(dim=0) x_any = gt.any(dim=1).any(dim=0) x1,x2,y1,y2 = *torch.where(x_any)[0][[0,-1]], *torch.where(y_any)[0][[0,-1]] x1,x2,y1,y2 = torch.clamp(x1-border,min=0),x2+border,torch.clamp(y1-border,min=0),y2+border return_dict = {} return_dict[rot_label[...,:x1].int().sum()] = [slice(None), slice(None,None), slice(x1, None)] return_dict[rot_label[...,x2:].int().sum()] = [slice(None), slice(None,None), slice(None, x2)] return_dict[rot_label[...,:y1].int().sum()] = [slice(None), slice(y1, None), slice(None,None)] return_dict[rot_label[...,y2:].int().sum()] = [slice(None), slice(None, y2), slice(None,None)] return return_dict[max(return_dict.keys())] def crop_overlap_dil(self, rot_label, gt, border=3): gt = torch.tensor(binary_dilation(gt, structure = self.dil_struct, iterations=border)) return torch.where(gt) def distance(self, rot_label, orig_label, shape=None): orig_center = torch.stack(torch.where(orig_label)).float().mean(dim=-1) rot_center = torch.stack(torch.where(rot_label)).float().mean(dim=-1) if shape is not None: orig_center, rot_center = orig_center/torch.tensor(shape), rot_center/torch.tensor(shape) return ((rot_center-orig_center)**2).mean()
[docs] def copy_paste_single(self, rot_label, neuron_tensor): ''' Find rotation with least overlap with GT and if there are multiple rotations with no overlap, find one with least distance from GT ''' gt = rot_label[0] min_overlap = torch.logical_and(rot_label[1], gt).int().sum() min_dist = float('inf') if min_overlap else self.distance(rot_label[1], gt, gt.shape) rot_angle, crop, ind = 0, [slice(None,None), slice(None,None)], 1 for angle in range(30, 360, 30): rotated = self.rotate(rot_label, angle) overlap0, overlap1 = torch.logical_and(rotated[0] , gt).int().sum(), \ torch.logical_and(rotated[1] , gt).int().sum() if min(min_overlap, overlap0, overlap1) == min_overlap: rot_dist0, rot_dist1 = self.distance(rotated[0], gt, gt.shape), \ self.distance(rotated[1], gt, gt.shape) if overlap0 == 0 and rot_dist0 < min_dist: min_dist = rot_dist0 rot_angle, ind = angle, 0 if overlap1 == 0 and rot_dist1 < min_dist: min_dist = rot_dist1 rot_angle, ind = angle, 1 elif min(min_overlap, overlap0, overlap1) == overlap0: min_overlap = overlap0 rot_angle, ind = angle, 0 else: min_overlap = overlap1 rot_angle, ind = angle, 1 rot_label = rot_label[ind].unsqueeze(0) if ind: # flip neuron_tensor = neuron_tensor[torch.arange(neuron_tensor.shape[0]-1,-1,-1)] rot_label, neuron_tensor = self.rotate(rot_label, rot_angle).squeeze(0), \ self.rotate(neuron_tensor.unsqueeze(0), rot_angle).squeeze(0) crop = self.crop_overlap_dil(rot_label.squeeze(), gt) neuron_tensor[crop[0],crop[1],crop[2]], rot_label[crop[0],crop[1],crop[2]] = 0, False return neuron_tensor, rot_label

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