
Source code for

from __future__ import print_function, division
from typing import Optional, List
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import itertools
import torch
from skimage.transform import resize
from connectomics.model.utils import SplitActivation

def _forward(model, volume):
    output = model(volume)
    assert isinstance(output, (torch.Tensor, OrderedDict)), "Output is expected to be " + \
        f"torch.Tensor or OrderedDict, but got {type(output)}!"
    if isinstance(output, torch.Tensor):
        return output

    main_key = list(output.keys())[0]
    return output[main_key]

[docs]class TestAugmentor(object): r"""Test-time spatial augmentor. Our test-time augmentation includes horizontal/vertical flips over the `xy`-plane, swap of `x` and `y` axes, and flip in `z`-dimension, resulting in 16 variants. Considering inference efficiency, we also provide the option to apply only horizontal/vertical flips over the `xy`-plane, resulting in 4 variants. The augmentation can also be applied to 2D outputs without the `z`-flip. By default the test-time augmentor returns the pixel-wise mean value of the predictions. Args: mode (str): one of ``'min'``, ``'max'`` or ``'mean'``. Default: ``'mean'`` do_2d (bool): the test-time augmentation is applied to 2d images. Default: False num_aug (int, optional): number of data augmentation variants: 4, 8 or 16 (3D only). Default: None scale_factors (List[float]): scale factors for resizing the model output. Default: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] Examples:: >>> from import TestAugmentor >>> test_augmentor = TestAugmentor(mode='mean', num_aug=16) >>> output = test_augmentor(model, inputs) # output is a numpy.ndarray on CPU """ def __init__(self, mode: str = 'mean', do_2d: bool = False, num_aug: Optional[int] = None, scale_factors: List[float] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], inference_act=None): assert mode in ['mean', 'max', 'min'] self.mode = mode self.do_2d = do_2d self.scale_factors = scale_factors self.inference_act = inference_act if num_aug is not None: assert num_aug in [4, 8, 16], \ "TestAugmentor.num_aug should be either 4, 8 or 16!" if self.do_2d: # max num_aug for 2d images num_aug = min(num_aug, 8) self.num_aug = num_aug def __call__(self, model, data): if self.do_2d: assert len(data.shape) == 4, \ "The input has a shape of {}, which not a valid 2D " \ "input in (B, C, H, W) format.".format(data.shape) return self._tta_2d(model, data) else: assert len(data.shape) == 5, \ "The input has a shape of {}, which not a valid 3D " \ "input in (B, C, Z, Y, X) format.".format(data.shape) return self._tta_3d(model, data) def _tta_3d(self, model, data): # output in (B, C, Z, Y, X) format out = None cc = 0 if self.num_aug == None: opts = itertools.product( (False, ), (False, ), (False, ), (False, )) elif self.num_aug == 4: opts = itertools.product( (False, True), (False, True), (False, ), (False, )) elif self.num_aug == 8: opts = itertools.product( (False, True), (False, True), (False, ), (False, True)) else: opts = itertools.product( (False, True), (False, True), (False, True), (False, True)) for xflip, yflip, zflip, transpose in opts: volume = data.clone() if xflip: volume = torch.flip(volume, [4]) if yflip: volume = torch.flip(volume, [3]) if zflip: volume = torch.flip(volume, [2]) if transpose: volume = torch.transpose(volume, 3, 4) if self.inference_act is not None: vout = self.inference_act( _forward(model, volume)).detach().cpu() else: vout = model(_forward(model, volume)).detach().cpu() if transpose: # swap x-/y-axis vout = torch.transpose(vout, 3, 4) if zflip: vout = torch.flip(vout, [2]) if yflip: vout = torch.flip(vout, [3]) if xflip: vout = torch.flip(vout, [4]) out = self._update_output(vout, out) cc += 1 if self.mode == 'mean': out = out/cc if (np.array(self.scale_factors) != 1).any(): sf = [1.0, 1.0] + self.scale_factors spatial_size = np.array(out.shape) * np.array(sf) spatial_size = list(np.ceil(spatial_size).astype(int)) out = resize(out, spatial_size, order=1, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True) return out def _tta_2d(self, model, data): # output in (B, C, Y, X) format out = None cc = 0 if self.num_aug == None: opts = itertools.product((False, ), (False, ), (False, )) elif self.num_aug == 4: opts = itertools.product((False, True), (False, True), (False, )) else: opts = itertools.product( (False, True), (False, True), (False, True)) for xflip, yflip, transpose in opts: volume = data.clone() if xflip: volume = torch.flip(volume, [3]) if yflip: volume = torch.flip(volume, [2]) if transpose: volume = torch.transpose(volume, 2, 3) if self.inference_act is not None: vout = self.inference_act( _forward(model, volume)).detach().cpu() else: vout = _forward(model, volume).detach().cpu() if transpose: # swap x-/y-axis vout = torch.transpose(vout, 2, 3) if yflip: vout = torch.flip(vout, [2]) if xflip: vout = torch.flip(vout, [3]) out = self._update_output(vout, out) cc += 1 if self.mode == 'mean': out = out/cc if (np.array(self.scale_factors)[1:] != 1).any(): sf = [1.0, 1.0] + self.scale_factors[1:] spatial_size = np.array(out.shape) * np.array(sf) spatial_size = list(np.ceil(spatial_size).astype(int)) out = resize(out, spatial_size, order=1, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True) return out def _update_output(self, vout, out=None): # cast to numpy array vout = vout.numpy() if out is None: if self.mode == 'min': out = np.ones(vout.shape, dtype=np.float32) elif self.mode == 'max': out = np.zeros(vout.shape, dtype=np.float32) elif self.mode == 'mean': out = np.zeros(vout.shape, dtype=np.float32) if self.mode == 'min': out = np.minimum(out, vout) elif self.mode == 'max': out = np.maximum(out, vout) elif self.mode == 'mean': out += vout return out
[docs] def update_name(self, name): r"""Update the name of the output file to indicate applied test-time augmentations. """ extension = "_" if self.num_aug is None: return name elif self.num_aug == 4: extension += "xy" elif self.num_aug == 8: extension += "txy" elif self.num_aug == 16: extension += "txyz" # Update the suffix of the output filename to indicate # the use of test-time data augmentation. name_list = name.split('.') new_filename = name_list[0] + extension + "." + name_list[1] return new_filename
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_cfg(cls, cfg, activation=True): r"""Build a TestAugmentor from configs. """ act = None if activation: act = SplitActivation.build_from_cfg(cfg, normalize=True) return cls(mode=cfg.INFERENCE.AUG_MODE, do_2d=cfg.DATASET.DO_2D, num_aug=cfg.INFERENCE.AUG_NUM, scale_factors=cfg.INFERENCE.OUTPUT_SCALE, inference_act=act)

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