
Source code for

from typing import Optional, List
import numpy as np
import random

import torch
from skimage.morphology import remove_small_objects

from ..augmentation import Compose
from ..utils import *

AUGMENTOR_TYPE = Optional[Compose]
WEIGHT_OPT_TYPE = List[List[str]]

[docs]class VolumeDatasetCond( """ Dataset class for volumetric images in conditional segmentation. The label volumes are always required for this class. Args: label (list): list of label volumes. volume (list): list of image volumes. label_type (str): type of the annotation. Default: ``'syn'`` augmentor (, optional): data augmentor for training. Default: None sample_size (tuple): model input size. Default: (9, 65, 65) weight_opt (list): list of options for generating pixel-wise weight masks. mode (str): ``'train'``, ``'val'`` or ``'test'``. Default: ``'train'`` iter_num (int): total number of training iterations (-1 for inference). Default: -1 data_mean (float): mean of pixels for images normalized to (0,1). Default: 0.5 data_std (float): standard deviation of pixels for images normalized to (0,1). Default: 0.5 """ background: int = 0 # background label index bbox_iterative: bool = False # calculate bbox iteratively (can be very slow if True) def __init__(self, volume: List[np.ndarray], label: List[np.ndarray], label_type: str = 'syn', augmentor: AUGMENTOR_TYPE = None, sample_size: tuple = (9, 65, 65), weight_opt: WEIGHT_OPT_TYPE = [['1']], mode: str = 'train', iter_num: int = -1, data_mean: float = 0.5, data_std: float = 0.5): assert mode in ['train','test'] self.mode = mode assert label_type in ['seg', 'syn'] self.label_type = label_type self.augmentor = augmentor self.volume = volume self.num_vols = len(self.volume) self.weight_opt = weight_opt self.volume_size = [np.array(x.shape) for x in self.volume] self.sample_size = sample_size self.label = label # label is always required in conditional segmentation if self.label_type == 'syn': self.aux_label = [(x+1) // 2 for x in self.label] # merge pre/post synaptic masks self.bbox_dict, self.idx_dict = self.get_bounding_box(self.aux_label) # convert the 2D bounding boxes (z0=z1) to 3D if self.mode == 'test': swell_z = (self.sample_size[0]-1)//2 for i in range(self.num_vols): zl, zh = 0, self.volume_size[i][0] for l, bb in enumerate(self.bbox_dict[i]): z0, z1, y0, y1, x0, x1 = bb z0 = max(z0-swell_z, zl) z1 = min(z1+swell_z, zh) self.bbox_dict[i][l] = (z0, z1, y0, y1, x0, x1) else: # each mask index is associated with one segment self.bbox_dict, self.idx_dict = self.get_bounding_box(self.label) # normalization self.data_mean = data_mean self.data_std = data_std self.num_bbox = sum([len(x) for _, x in self.bbox_dict.items()]) self.iter_num = max(iter_num, self.num_bbox) if self.mode == 'train' else self.num_bbox print('Total number of samples to be generated: ', self.iter_num) def __len__(self): # total number of possible samples return self.iter_num def __getitem__(self, index): if self.mode == 'train': # randomly sample a volume vol_id = random.randrange(self.num_vols) bbox_list = self.bbox_dict[vol_id] box_id = random.randrange(len(bbox_list)) bbox = bbox_list[box_id] crop_box = self.update_box(bbox) pos = (vol_id,) + tuple(bbox) out_volume = self.prepare_volume(crop_box, vol_id) out_target = self.prepare_label(crop_box, vol_id, box_id) out_weight = seg_to_weights(out_target, self.weight_opt) return pos, out_volume, out_target, out_weight elif self.mode == 'test': # ToDo: Inferencing can currently only handle a single volume assert (self.num_vols == 1), "Only provide a single volume for testing" bbox_list = self.bbox_dict[0] bbox = bbox_list[index] for i in range(len(bbox)//2): # assert upper bound is larger then lower bound assert (bbox[(i*2)+1] >= bbox[i*2]) # truncate bbox if larger then model sample_size if bbox[(i*2)+1]-bbox[i*2] > self.sample_size[i]: bbox = list(bbox) print(f"Truncating the bounding box {index} by {bbox[(i*2)+1] - (bbox[i*2] + self.sample_size[i]-1)} for axes {i}.") bbox[(i*2)+1] = bbox[i*2] + self.sample_size[i]-1 bbox = tuple(bbox) crop_box = self.update_box(bbox) pos = (0,) + tuple(bbox) out_volume = self.prepare_volume(crop_box, 0) out_target = self.prepare_label(crop_box, 0, index) # return the original pos and the pos of the cropped/padded box return [pos, (0,) + tuple(crop_box)], out_volume, out_target def prepare_volume(self, box, vol_id): image = self.crop_with_box(box, self.volume[vol_id], constant_values=128) image = (image / 255.0).astype(np.float32) image = np.expand_dims(image, 0) # channel dim for gray-scale images image = normalize_image(image, self.data_mean, self.data_std) return image def prepare_label(self, box, vol_id, box_id): idx = self.idx_dict[vol_id][box_id] # target is a list to be consistent with VolumeDataset label = self.crop_with_box(box, self.label[vol_id]) if self.label_type == 'seg': return [(label==idx).astype(np.float32)] # synaptic polarity assert self.label_type == 'syn' gating_mask = self.crop_with_box(box, self.aux_label[vol_id]) gating_mask = (gating_mask==idx).astype(label.dtype) label = label * gating_mask return [seg2polarity(label)] def crop_with_box(self, box, vol, constant_values = 0): # crop with given box (needs padding if touch boundary) assert len(box) == 6 z0, z1, y0, y1, x0, x1 = box zh, yh, xh = vol.shape zl, yl, xl = [0, 0, 0] boundary = np.array([z0<zl, z1>zh, y0<yl, y1>yh, x0<xl, x1>xh]).astype(int) pad_size = np.array([z0-zl, z1-zh, y0-yl, y1-yh, x0-xl, x1-xh]) pad_size = get_padsize(boundary*np.abs(pad_size), ndim=3) z0, y0, x0 = max(z0, zl), max(y0, yl), max(x0, xl) z1, y1, x1 = min(z1, zh), min(y1, yh), min(x1, xh) temp = vol[z0:z1, y0:y1, x0:x1] return np.pad(temp, pad_size, mode='constant', constant_values=constant_values) def update_box(self, bbox): z0, z1 = rand_window(bbox[0], bbox[1]+1, self.sample_size[0]) y0, y1 = rand_window(bbox[2], bbox[3]+1, self.sample_size[1]) x0, x1 = rand_window(bbox[4], bbox[5]+1, self.sample_size[2]) return [z0, z1, y0, y1, x0, x1] def get_bounding_box(self, label: list): # calculate the bounding box bbox_dict, idx_dict = {}, {} for i, vol in enumerate(label): bbox_dict[i], idx_dict[i] = self.get_bbox_vol(vol) return bbox_dict, idx_dict def get_bbox_vol(self, vol: np.ndarray, min_size: int=128): vol = remove_small_objects(vol, min_size) # remove tiny objects indices = np.unique(vol) assert indices[0] == 0 # background indices = indices[1:] ind2box_dict = index2bbox(vol, indices, iterative=self.bbox_iterative) bbox_list = list(ind2box_dict.values()) idx_list = list(ind2box_dict.keys()) return bbox_list, idx_list

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