
Source code for

from typing import Optional, List
import numpy as np
import random

import torch
from ..augmentation import Compose
from ..utils import *

WEIGHT_OPT_TYPE = List[List[str]]
AUGMENTOR_TYPE = Optional[Compose]

[docs]class VolumeDataset( """ Dataset class for volumetric image datasets. At training time, subvolumes are randomly sampled from all the large input volumes with (optional) rejection sampling to increase the frequency of foreground regions in a batch. At inference time, subvolumes are yielded in a sliding-window manner with overlap to counter border artifacts. Args: volume (list): list of image volumes. label (list, optional): list of label volumes. Default: None valid_mask (list, optional): list of valid masks. Default: None valid_ratio (float): volume ratio threshold for valid samples. Default: 0.5 sample_volume_size (tuple, int): model input size. sample_label_size (tuple, int): model output size. sample_stride (tuple, int): stride size for sampling. augmentor (, optional): data augmentor for training. Default: None target_opt (list): list the model targets generated from segmentation labels. weight_opt (list): list of options for generating pixel-wise weight masks. mode (str): ``'train'``, ``'val'`` or ``'test'``. Default: ``'train'`` do_2d (bool): load 2d samples from 3d volumes. Default: False iter_num (int): total number of training iterations (-1 for inference). Default: -1 do_relabel (bool): reduce the the mask indicies in a sampled label volume. This option be set to False for semantic segmentation, otherwise the classes can shift. Default: True reject_size_thres (int, optional): threshold to decide if a sampled volumes contains foreground objects. Default: 0 reject_diversity (int, optional): threshold to decide if a sampled volumes contains multiple objects. Default: 0 reject_p (float, optional): probability of rejecting non-foreground volumes. Default: 0.95 data_mean (float): mean of pixels for images normalized to (0,1). Default: 0.5 data_std (float): standard deviation of pixels for images normalized to (0,1). Default: 0.5 data_match_act (str): the data is normalized to match the range of an activation. Default: ``'none'`` Note: For relatively small volumes, the total number of possible subvolumes can be smaller than the total number of samples required in training (the product of total iterations and mini-natch size), which raises *StopIteration*. Therefore the dataset length is also decided by the training settings. """ background: int = 0 # background label index def __init__(self, volume: list, label: Optional[list] = None, valid_mask: Optional[list] = None, valid_ratio: float = 0.5, sample_volume_size: tuple = (8, 64, 64), sample_label_size: tuple = (8, 64, 64), sample_stride: tuple = (1, 1, 1), augmentor: AUGMENTOR_TYPE = None, target_opt: TARGET_OPT_TYPE = ['1'], weight_opt: WEIGHT_OPT_TYPE = [['1']], erosion_rates: Optional[List[int]] = None, dilation_rates: Optional[List[int]] = None, mode: str = 'train', do_2d: bool = False, iter_num: int = -1, do_relabel: bool = True, # rejection sampling reject_size_thres: int = 0, reject_diversity: int = 0, reject_p: float = 0.95, # normalization data_mean: float = 0.5, data_std: float = 0.5, data_match_act: str = 'none'): assert mode in ['train', 'val', 'test'] self.mode = mode self.do_2d = do_2d self.do_relabel = do_relabel # data format self.volume = volume self.label = label self.augmentor = augmentor # target and weight options self.target_opt = target_opt self.weight_opt = weight_opt # For 'all', users will create their own targets if self.target_opt[-1] == 'all': self.target_opt = self.target_opt[:-1] self.weight_opt = self.weight_opt[:-1] self.erosion_rates = erosion_rates self.dilation_rates = dilation_rates # rejection samping self.reject_size_thres = reject_size_thres self.reject_diversity = reject_diversity self.reject_p = reject_p # normalization self.data_mean = data_mean self.data_std = data_std self.data_match_act = data_match_act # dataset: channels, depths, rows, cols # volume size, could be multi-volume input self.volume_size = [np.array(x.shape) for x in self.volume] self.sample_volume_size = np.array( sample_volume_size).astype(int) # model input size if self.label is not None: self.sample_label_size = np.array( sample_label_size).astype(int) # model label size self.label_vol_ratio = self.sample_label_size / self.sample_volume_size if self.augmentor is not None: assert np.array_equal( self.augmentor.sample_size, self.sample_label_size) self._assert_valid_shape() # compute number of samples for each dataset (multi-volume input) self.sample_stride = np.array(sample_stride).astype(int) self.sample_size = [count_volume(self.volume_size[x], self.sample_volume_size, self.sample_stride) for x in range(len(self.volume_size))] # total number of possible inputs for each volume self.sample_num = np.array([ for x in self.sample_size]) self.sample_num_a = np.sum(self.sample_num) self.sample_num_c = np.cumsum([0] + list(self.sample_num)) # handle partially labeled volume self.valid_mask = valid_mask self.valid_ratio = valid_ratio if self.mode in ['val', 'test']: # for validation and test self.sample_size_test = [ np.array([[1:3]), x[2]]) for x in self.sample_size] # For relatively small volumes, the total number of samples can be generated is smaller # than the number of samples required for training (i.e., iteration * batch size). Thus # we let the __len__() of the dataset return the larger value among the two during training. self.iter_num = max( iter_num, self.sample_num_a) if self.mode == 'train' else self.sample_num_a print('Total number of samples to be generated: ', self.iter_num) def __len__(self): # total number of possible samples return self.iter_num def __getitem__(self, index): # orig input: keep uint/int format to save cpu memory # output sample: need np.float32 vol_size = self.sample_volume_size if self.mode == 'train': sample = self._rejection_sampling(vol_size) return self._process_targets(sample) elif self.mode == 'val': pos = self._get_pos_test(index) sample = self._crop_with_pos(pos, vol_size) return self._process_targets(sample) elif self.mode == 'test': pos = self._get_pos_test(index) out_volume = (crop_volume( self.volume[pos[0]], vol_size, pos[1:])/255.0).astype(np.float32) if self.do_2d: out_volume = np.squeeze(out_volume) return pos, self._process_image(out_volume) def _process_targets(self, sample): pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid = sample if self.do_2d: out_volume, out_label, out_valid = numpy_squeeze( out_volume, out_label, out_valid) out_volume = self._process_image(out_volume) if out_label is None: # unlabeled data, compatible with collate_fn_test return pos, out_volume # convert masks to different learning targets out_target = seg_to_targets( out_label, self.target_opt, self.erosion_rates, self.dilation_rates) out_weight = seg_to_weights( out_target, self.weight_opt, out_valid, out_label) return pos, out_volume, out_target, out_weight ####################################################### # Position Calculator ####################################################### def _index_to_dataset(self, index): return np.argmax(index < self.sample_num_c) - 1 # which dataset def _index_to_location(self, index, sz): # index -> z,y,x # sz: [y*x, x] pos = [0, 0, 0] pos[0] = np.floor(index/sz[0]) pz_r = index % sz[0] pos[1] = int(np.floor(pz_r/sz[1])) pos[2] = pz_r % sz[1] return pos def _get_pos_test(self, index): pos = [0, 0, 0, 0] did = self._index_to_dataset(index) pos[0] = did index2 = index - self.sample_num_c[did] pos[1:] = self._index_to_location(index2, self.sample_size_test[did]) # if out-of-bound, tuck in for i in range(1, 4): if pos[i] != self.sample_size[pos[0]][i-1]-1: pos[i] = int(pos[i] * self.sample_stride[i-1]) else: pos[i] = int(self.volume_size[pos[0]][i-1] - self.sample_volume_size[i-1]) return pos def _get_pos_train(self, vol_size): # random: multithread # np.random: same seed pos = [0, 0, 0, 0] # pick a dataset did = self._index_to_dataset(random.randint(0, self.sample_num_a-1)) pos[0] = did # pick a position tmp_size = count_volume( self.volume_size[did], vol_size, self.sample_stride) tmp_pos = [random.randint(0, tmp_size[x]-1) * self.sample_stride[x] for x in range(len(tmp_size))] pos[1:] = tmp_pos return pos ####################################################### # Volume Sampler ####################################################### def _rejection_sampling(self, vol_size): """Rejection sampling to filter out samples without required number of foreground pixels or valid ratio. """ sample_count = 0 while True: sample = self._random_sampling(vol_size) pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid = sample if self.augmentor is not None: if out_valid is not None: assert 'valid_mask' in self.augmentor.additional_targets.keys(), \ "Need to specify the 'valid_mask' option in additional_targets " \ "of the data augmentor when training with partial annotation." data = {'image': out_volume, 'label': out_label, 'valid_mask': out_valid} augmented = self.augmentor(data) out_volume, out_label = augmented['image'], augmented['label'] out_valid = augmented['valid_mask'] if self._is_valid(out_valid) and self._is_fg(out_label): return pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid sample_count += 1 if sample_count > 100: err_msg = ( "Can not find any valid subvolume after sampling the " "dataset for more than 100 times. Please adjust the " "valid mask or rejection sampling configurations." ) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) def _random_sampling(self, vol_size): """Randomly sample a subvolume from all the volumes. """ pos = self._get_pos_train(vol_size) return self._crop_with_pos(pos, vol_size) def _crop_with_pos(self, pos, vol_size): out_volume = (crop_volume( self.volume[pos[0]], vol_size, pos[1:])/255.0).astype(np.float32) # position in the label and valid mask out_label, out_valid = None, None if self.label is not None: pos_l = np.round(pos[1:]*self.label_vol_ratio) out_label = crop_volume(self.label[pos[0]], self.sample_label_size, pos_l) # For warping: cv2.remap requires input to be float32. # Make labels index smaller. Otherwise uint32 and float32 are not # the same for some values. out_label = reduce_label(out_label.copy()) if self.do_relabel else out_label.copy() out_label = out_label.astype(np.float32) if self.valid_mask is not None: out_valid = crop_volume(self.valid_mask[pos[0]], self.sample_label_size, pos_l) out_valid = (out_valid != 0).astype(np.float32) return pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid def _is_valid(self, out_valid: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Decide whether the sampled region is valid or not using the corresponding valid mask. """ if self.valid_mask is None or out_valid is None: return True ratio = float(out_valid.sum()) / return ratio > self.valid_ratio def _is_fg(self, out_label: np.ndarray) -> bool: """Decide whether the sample belongs to a foreground decided by the rejection sampling criterion. """ if self.label is None or out_label is None: return True p = self.reject_p size_thres = self.reject_size_thres if size_thres > 0: temp = out_label.copy().astype(int) temp = (temp != self.background).astype(int).sum() if temp < size_thres and random.random() < p: return False num_thres = self.reject_diversity if num_thres > 0: temp = out_label.copy().astype(int) num_objects = len(np.unique(temp)) if num_objects < num_thres and random.random() < p: return False return True ####################################################### # Utils ####################################################### def _process_image(self, x: np.array): x = np.expand_dims(x, 0) # (z,y,x) -> (c,z,y,x) x = normalize_image(x, self.data_mean, self.data_std, match_act=self.data_match_act) return x def _assert_valid_shape(self): assert all( [(self.sample_volume_size <= x).all() for x in self.volume_size] ), "Input size should be smaller than volume size." if self.label is not None: assert all( [(self.sample_label_size <= x).all() for x in self.volume_size] ), "Label size should be smaller than volume size."
[docs]class VolumeDatasetRecon(VolumeDataset): def _rejection_sampling(self, vol_size): while True: sample = self._random_sampling(vol_size) pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid = sample if self.augmentor is not None: if out_valid is not None: assert 'valid_mask' in target_dict.keys(), \ "Need to specify the 'valid_mask' option in additional_targets " \ "of the data augmentor when training with partial annotation." target_dict = self.augmentor.additional_targets assert 'recon_image' in target_dict.keys() and target_dict['recon_image'] == 'img' data = {'image': out_volume, 'label': out_label, 'valid_mask': out_valid, 'recon_image': out_volume.copy()} augmented = self.augmentor(data) out_volume, out_label = augmented['image'], augmented['label'] out_valid = augmented['valid_mask'] out_recon = augmented['recon_image'] else: # no augmentation, out_recon is out_volume out_recon = out_volume.copy() if self._is_valid(out_valid) and self._is_fg(out_label): return pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid, out_recon def _process_targets(self, sample): pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid, out_recon = sample if self.do_2d: out_volume, out_label, out_valid, out_recon = numpy_squeeze( out_volume, out_label, out_valid, out_recon) out_volume = self._process_image(out_volume) out_recon = self._process_image(out_recon) # output list if out_label is None: # unlabeled data return pos, out_volume, out_recon # convert masks to different learning targets out_target = seg_to_targets( out_label, self.target_opt, self.erosion_rates, self.dilation_rates) out_weight = seg_to_weights( out_target, self.weight_opt, out_valid, out_label) return pos, out_volume, out_target, out_weight, out_recon
class VolumeDatasetMultiSeg(VolumeDataset): def __init__(self, multiseg_split: list = [1,2], **kwargs): self.multiseg_split = multiseg_split super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.mode == 'test': return # no need for target_opt and multiseg_split in inference assert len(self.target_opt) == sum(multiseg_split) self.multiseg_cumsum = [0] + list(np.cumsum(multiseg_split)) self.target_opt_multiseg = [] for i in range(len(multiseg_split)): self.target_opt_multiseg.append( self.target_opt[self.multiseg_cumsum[i]:self.multiseg_cumsum[i+1]]) print("Multiseg target options: ", self.target_opt_multiseg) def _rejection_sampling(self, vol_size): while True: sample = self._random_sampling(vol_size) pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid = sample n_seg_maps = out_label.shape[0] if self.augmentor is not None: if out_valid is not None: assert 'valid_mask' in target_dict.keys(), \ "Need to specify the 'valid_mask' option in additional_targets " \ "of the data augmentor when training with partial annotation." data = {'image': out_volume} target_dict = self.augmentor.additional_targets for i in range(n_seg_maps): assert 'label%d' % i in target_dict.keys() # each channel is augmented data['label%d' % i] = out_label[i,:,:,:] augmented = self.augmentor(data) out_volume = augmented['image'] out_label = [augmented['label%d' % i] for i in range(n_seg_maps)] else: # no augmentation, out_recon is out_volume out_label = [out_label[i,:,:,:] for i in range(n_seg_maps)] # the first segmentation map is used for rejection sampling if self._is_valid(out_valid) and self._is_fg(out_label[0]): return pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid def _process_targets(self, sample): pos, out_volume, out_label, out_valid = sample if self.do_2d: out_volume, out_valid = numpy_squeeze(out_volume, out_valid) out_label = numpy_squeeze(*out_label) out_volume = self._process_image(out_volume) if out_label is None: # unlabeled data return pos, out_volume, None, None # convert masks to different learning targets out_target = self.multiseg_to_targets(out_label) out_weight = seg_to_weights( out_target, self.weight_opt, out_valid, out_label) return pos, out_volume, out_target, out_weight def multiseg_to_targets(self, out_label): assert len(out_label) == len(self.target_opt_multiseg) out_target = [] for i in range(len(out_label)): out_target.extend(seg_to_targets( out_label[i], self.target_opt_multiseg[i], self.erosion_rates, self.dilation_rates)) return out_target

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